Pennies 4 Produce

How Pocket Change Can Save Lives

By Rachel Buxbaum, CSR Relations Manager

What do you do with your spare change? Do you toss it aside, let it roll around the floor of your car, or let it collect dust in a jar?  If you knew that the same change you likely disregard could have a meaningful impact on someone facing food-insecurity, would you donate it? 

To understand the importance of this question, we need to explore what food-insecurity is and how it affects those around us. Food-insecurity refers to people who do not know where their next meal is coming from. Shockingly, 1 in 6 people in the United States experience food insecurity, with even higher rates among children. 

At America’s Grow-a-Row, we believe everyone should have access to fresh, healthy food and we count on community members, corporations, and foundations to help us achieve our goals.  Each year, we partner with community-minded businesses like QuickChek and Village Supermarkets to raise money for people facing food insecurity. Through their Pennies 4 Produce donation campaigns, we rally the support of the community to provide fresh produce to those in need. 

Pennies 4 Produce is a point-of-sale fundraising campaign where customers shopping at a participating store have the opportunity to band together and make a difference.  During the checkout process, the customer can round up their purchase or make a donation to help provide produce to people in need.  These small donations make an incredible impact on the community.  For every $1 raised we’re able to provide 5 servings of produce to someone in need. 

What makes these campaigns such a success is the commitment of the employees at our partners and of course the communities who come together to support them.  

Village Supermarkets is proud to support America's Grow-a-Row Farms through our second annual Pennies for Produce campaign. We recognize that fresh produce is needed in our local food banks and are grateful to be in a position to help! Our goal this year is to raise enough money to provide half a million servings of fruits and vegetables to those in need."


Monica Hanson, Community Engagement and Business Development

Together, we can make a difference. So next time you’re at the checkout counter, consider how your spare change can help feed a family and support a healthier community.  

Join us in the fight against food insecurity and help turn pennies into produce for those who need it most by shopping with our partners this season: 

If your company would like to participate in Pennies 4 Produce, please email Rachel Buxbaum. 

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